How does it work?
In this category we collect all articles where we explain how various real world networks work.
Stumbling around in a changing world
Random walks are popularly described as a drunkard’s path down the streets. What happens when the streets also start to move?
How does wireless communication work?
We might not be fully aware of it, but we all use wireless communication everyday in many familiar situations, such as when we connect our laptop to the local Wi-Fi network, when we use navigation apps to orientate ourselves while driving, or when we send a message to a friend using our smartphones. It has become so natural for the world we live in, that we often take it for granted and have no idea of how it works.
How to Plan for a Pandemic? An interview with Hans Heesterbeek
Prof. dr. ir. Hans Heesterbeek, one of the leading infectious disease epidemiologists in the Netherlands, is a busy man. Fortunately for us, Hans Heesterbeek had a gap in his schedule to yet again answer some questions, this time not asked by professional journalists, but by us, four students from the Technical University in Eindhoven.
Metallic Statistics: How modern blacksmiths use mathematics to produce new materials
Steel industries work with universities trying to understand how microstructure features influence the properties of metals.
The Abel prize Laureates 2021 - László Lovász
On Wednesday the 17th of March the Abel prize was awarded to mathematicians László Lovász and Avi Wigderson
Secrets of numbers
Numbers are just amazing, as a child numbers are one the first things you learn. You try to count as far as possible, the first goal is to reach 10, then 20, then 50, finally you reach 100. Thanks to our computers you can find many cool things about large numbers!
A multi-objective fight against prostate cancer
Evolutionary algorithms help physicians in the Amsterdam UMC to make treatment plans for prostate cancer patients. A commonly applied treatment against cancer is radiation therapy. In radiation therapy, or radiotherapy, ionizing radiation dose is delivered to the cancer cells. One form of radiotherapy that is applied in the treatment of prostate cancer is brachytherapy.
My experience of teaching math in Africa
In the past few years, I have been involved in several projects concerning mathematical education in Africa.
I was advised that a good place to start, if I wanted to explore the African mathematical landscape, was AIMS. That’s the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, or the African Institute for Minimising Sleep, as the students I met liked to call it when they were overwhelmed by assignments.
Making interdisciplinary connections
One of the major challenges NETWORKS is facing concerns bridging the gap between our mathematical results and their use in the world around us.