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The seed bank, a hidden storage of genetic diversity

In 2012 a team of Russian scientists managed to germinate a 30.000 year old seed of an indigenous Siberian flower, called the Silene stenophylla. The seed blossomed into a plant, whose flowers produced fertile seeds.

Interviews and opinion articles

This category contains interviews and opinion articles that have been written by the Network Pages team or by collaborating authors.

Zooming in a chemical reaction!

Chemical reactions evolve in the same way as water flows through a network of rivers. When describing a chemical reaction you can imagine that the concentrations of the reactants are flowing through the reaction network in the same way as water flows through the network of rivers.

The quantum Internet - A glimpse into the future

QuTech at the Delft University of Technology and TNO, in collaboration with the European Quantum Internet Alliance, are leading the efforts to establish a quantum Internet and aims at having a proof of concept version, between the cities of Amsterdam, Leiden, Delft and the Hague.