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Could the Future of Artificial Intelligence be Self-Organising?

One of the main building blocks of modern AI-tools are artificial neural networks, abstract models inspired by the structure and functions of biological neural networks which enable machines to "learn". In this article, I will discuss some thoughts on this topic.

What is neighborhood centrality and what is it good for?

In the study of social networks, a key phenomena is the diffusion of information – how it travels from one individual to another across the network of people. An important question is how to identify the nodes with a high potential to spread information widely and deeper in the network.

Microbiome: the mysterious stock exchange in your gut

We want our guts to be filled with a diverse range of mutually beneficial and competitive interactions, a perfect blend of friends, frenemies, and enemies to keep our guts active and body on its toes. Read how networks can help understand these interactions!

Some ideas on teaching graph theory in high schools

Have you ever wondered how you can make mathematics interesting to the daily life of students? In this article, we will discuss two important and exciting concepts teachers can use to introduce graph theory in their classes.

What is the chance of throwing six with a fair die?

If, after reading the title, your immediate response is to shout "1/6-th", then you have correctly answered the question. Well done! However, in this article we will focus on the meaning of this question. What exactly is this "chance" of which you've just exclaimed it equals 1/6-th?

Urban nature: decoding connectivity with networks

Rapid urbanization without consideration for the environment is currently threatening urban dwellers. Its effects are exacerbating climate change and the urgency to adapt to our circumstances is growing. Network science may just have the key to solving our multifaceted problems.

Random Graphs and Complex Networks: Volume 2 has appeared!

In February 2024, the second Volume of the Random Graphs and Complex Networks book series has appeared. This volume is aimed more towards the research community, including PhD students and researchers, with a mathematical background.

Creativity is intelligence

During my studies in mathematics, I never thought about how I should practice or learn mathematics. Have you ever thought about this? I was learning formulas, theorems, proofs, and various other results by hard and applying them in new situations. Now I realize I could have approached it differently.