A Santa Claus network
Poor Santa has to travel all across the country to deliver all his presents. How does he do this?
Degrees in graphs I: the Handshake Lemma
A graph consists of objects called vertices and connections between them called edges. For every vertex, we can count how many neighbors it has, which is called its degree.
Layered networks I: From manufacturing plants to queueing networks
Manufacturing plants convert raw material into a final product. Think of cars, where the production line consists of a large number of phases to put all the different parts together into a working car. Big machines in such a plant perform the processing steps in different phases, which often have to be done in a specific order.
Quantum networks and security
This category contains articles about quantum computing, quantum cryptography, quantum networks and various other quantum-topics!
Traffic congestion
In this category we collect all articles that concern the topic of traffic congestion and traffic modelling.
Traffic congestion: Pigou's example
In network congestion models, we make some simplifying assumptions that make our life easier. In a large-scale system, each individual driver contributes a tiny amount to congestion, if we assume that every car controls the same amount of traffic.
Congested Roads
Traffic jams are one of the biggest inconveniences in modern time. They lead to stressful situations for commuters, and cause huge economical and environmental damage. How could mathematics help?
Mapping militants with networks
A group of researchers at Stanford University took the many narratives of some of the biggest players in recent conflicts, and turned those into networks of time-lines.