A mathematical journey from Pakistan to Ghana
I have the privilege to use mathematics as a way to explore amazing corners of the world and meet wonderful people.
Can algorithms learn to price collusively?
This is a question I have been thinking about for the last two years. In this article, I will give a little overview of what I have discovered in that time.
Let me tell you a story from my teaching
On Wednesday I was teaching an exercise class on graph theory. There was this one exercise that was troubling me for a couple of days, I couldn't solve it and it was frustrating.
MO-together and not alone! How networks can help fundraising in the no-profit sector
Back in 2015, I joined the Movember health movement, a movement that you probably have heard of having something related to men growing a moustache. As a woman, you might imagine, I did not join for the moustache thing, but rather for the cause behind the moustache symbol, that is, raising awareness of prostate and testicular cancer.
Finance, Networks and Statistics come together
One of the lessons learned after the financial crisis of 2008, with Lehman Brothers collapsing, causing instability in the global economy, was that there is a strong need to better model the underlying financial network in an economy as a whole.
Start to jet lag behind. Moving to fairer competitions.
It is safe to say that traveling impacts the peak performance of teams and athletes in general - studies have been done across all kinds of sports that confirm this intuitive idea. Thus, to avoid unfair- and unhappiness, an organizer should aim to minimize the effect of travel time disparities.
Eigenvalues to the rescue
On a quiet afternoon, professor Meth is working in her office in Leiden on some tantalizing mathematics problems. Suddenly, someone knocking on her door nervously disrupts the silence.
Writing with Analytic Storytelling
Together with Arnaud Bom from Analytic Storytelling, we decided to promote some of the articles on the Network Pages because of the creative writing techniques the authors used. We want to share these writing tips with you so that you can apply them in your writings!
What have Donald Trump, an epidemiologist and a rock in common?
In this article, dear reader, I am going to show you in which way the development of your opinion during the last political issue, the spread of a virus among your acquaintances during the current pandemic, and the alignment of some particles lying inside the device from which you are reading this article are extremely comparable phenomena.
The travelling salesman problem
Suppose you have a delivery service. You have one truck and have to deliver a large number of parcels to different cities in the country every day. Then you run into the following problem: in which order should you visit the cities?