Masterclass NETWORKS goes to school 2024
In November 2024 a masterclass on networks and algorithms will be organised by the mathematics research program NETWORKS. Teachers and school students at the level of VWO 5-6 are welcome to join this two-day masterclass, no specific prior knowledge is needed, only enthousiasm about mathematics!
Science Illustrations updated
We have a special category with science illustations on various topics related to networks and algorithms. Many of these illustrations were developed specifically for the Network Pages. The four posters made for mathematics exhibition IMAGINARY have been added.
Structure in social networks
To find the network communities, we need a mathematical equation that describes when a division of the network into communities meets these two criteria.
Dispatching experts to do maintenance
Using data analytic techniques and Artificial Intelligence you can analyse data from hospitals and discover hidden patterns that allow us to often predict (within a margin of accuracy) failures before they happen. When a failure is predicted, we issue an alert and we plan for preventive maintenance by an expert engineer.
Abel Prize 2024 to Michel Talagrand
The Abel Committee has awarded Michel Talagrand the 2024 Abel Prize for his groundbreaking contributions to probability theory and functional analysis, with outstanding applications in mathematical physics and statistics.
Young mathematicians unite
"The mathematical community needs to strengthen the role and perspective of the young generation of mathematicians in Europe. They should be supported in their mathematical development and their career perspectives.
A PhD, is that for me?
Are you thinking about your future? Do you want to apply your mathematical knowledge in a company, or continue your education first by pursuing a PhD degree? With this one-day event for students in both theoretical and applied mathematics we aim to showcase the benefits of doing a PhD to help students to make their […]
Summer of Math Exposition
The Summer of Math Exposition (SoME) is an annual competition organized by 3Blue1Brown to foster the creation of excellent math content online.
Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG): Introducing Young KWG
It is a pleasure to introduce ourselves as Young KWG, the newest addition to the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG).
Onno Boxma receives inaugural Blackwell Prize
Onno Boxma, emeritus professor of Stochastic Operations Research at Eindhoven University of Technology, is the inaugural Blackwell Prize winner!