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If you visit the homepage of the Network Pages you may get the impression that we focus entirely on communicating mathematics through writing articles. But there is much more!

Abel prize 2023 to Luis A. Caffarelli

The Abel Committee has awarded Luis A. Caffarelli the 2023 Abel Prize for his seminal contributions to the study of nonlinear partial differential equations.

New breakthrough about Ramsey numbers?

In a seminar talk in Cambridge this week, Julian Sahasrabudhe announced that he, together with his colleagues Marcelo Campos, Simon Griffiths and Rob Morris, had obtained an exponential improvement to the upper bound for Ramsey's theorem.

From Tweets to Communication Networks

Network visualizations have the power to display how we communicate with each other in social media. We can simply depict message exchanges using communication networks. In such a network, nodes represent users, and there exists an edge between two nodes when the corresponding users exchange information (an email or a tweet).

Four young mathematicians win the Fields medal!

On the 5th of July, the Fields medals 2022 were awarded to four mathematicians. The four mathematicians that won the Fields medals this year are: Hugo Duminil-Copin, June Huh, James Maynard. and Maryna Viazovska.

Poster Women in Mathematics

EWM-NL has prepared a poster about women in mathematics, inspired by a poster on Notable Women in Computing. In this article you can find the beautiful poster, prepared by a joint Dutch and UK team comprising Maria Vlasiou and Silvy Hendriks (NL), and Houry Melkonian.

Evening of the Abel prize - after a good night sleep

This year the work of the Israeli computer scientist Avi Wigderson and the Hungarian mathematician László Lovász was in the spotlight. On the website of the Academy we read: "They received the prize in 2021 for their foundational contributions to theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics, and their leading role in shaping them into central fields of modern mathematics."

Interviews with László Lovász and Avi Wigderson

László Lovász and Avi Wigderson received the prize for their pioneering contributions to theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics. One of these contributions was the incorporation of theoretical computer science and discrete mathematics as central parts of modern mathematics.