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Percolation game is online!

The networks game is online and ready to be used! The goal of the game? To show how percolation works on a network created by the people participating in the game! 

Brouwer medal to David Aldous

On the 6th of April David Aldous received the Brouwer Medal 2020 for his contributions to probability theory. 

A hobby scientist's view on quantum computing

The story goes as follows, during the last couple of decades many scientists, universities, and tech giants like IBM, Microsoft, and Google have invested largely in building this advanced machine called a quantum computer. Such a computer will be able to perform quantum computations, which rely on qubits instead of ordinary bits. The major challenge when you want to use such a qubit is that it is very unstable, and stable qubits are essential to have a proper quantum computer.

Random encounters with Ramsey numbers

It is was the second time yesterday in a one week time and the fourth in a one month time that I came across Ramsey numbers. In the beginning I thought it was just a coincidence.

Sir Roger Penrose - looking into black holes

On October 6th 2020 Sir Roger Penrose was awarded, jointly with Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez, the nobel prize for physics for their groundbreaking discoveries concerning black holes.

Shreds of memories of Paul Erdős

In mathematics it is almost impossible not to encounter the name of Paul Erdős. Much of his work centered around discrete mathematics, cracking many previously unsolved problems in the field.

Mathematics against Corona

Now that the summer vacation is over we need to arm ourselves against the anticipated second peak in the fall. That is why three PhD students at the department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the Eindhoven University of Technology are working hard to analyze all facts and figures of the pandemic so far, and […]