Mr. Monopoly and Mr. Markov play a game

Now it’s time to tackle Monopoly! Using tools from probability theory, we can get some insights into the best properties to buy in Monopoly.
Mr Markov playing Snakes and Ladders

Have you ever wondered what kind of insights you can gain about games by looking at it using a mathematical lens? In this article we have a look at Snakes and Ladders, and in a follow up article we will dive into Monopoly!
Enigma: a complexity titan

In times of war, secure communication can be the difference between life and death, or even winning or losing a war. The first to patent a rotor machine in Europe was Arthur Scherbius in 1918. Scherbius’ version of the rotor machine became a commercial success, unlike the other patented machines. Scherbius named his machine Enigma.