Metastability—it sounds complex, like something from a science textbook, right? But it’s not just an abstract concept confined to the lab. It’s a state that hides in familiar places, from the frost on a cold winter morning to the stories we binge-watch on TV.
A system is said to be metastable when it spends an extended time in a state— referred to as a metastable state— which is not the system's true equilibrium but behaves like one for a significant period. Eventually, a rare event or perturbation triggers a transition to a more stable state. But before that happens, we are in the metastable state, where small fluctuations—random deviations caused by noise—occur as the system oscillates around its current configuration. These fluctuations are much shorter in duration compared to the time it takes for the rare transition to occur. Metastability, at its core, is the delicate balance between stability and instability. It’s the dance of quasi-equilibrium teetering on the verge of disruption, and once you recognize it, you’ll start seeing it everywhere.
Let’s start with something simple but striking. Picture a frosty morning, when the world wakes up cloaked in fragile white. That frost you see on tree branches or car windows might look uniform, but it comes in different forms. One of them is rime. It’s a type of ice that forms from liquid water in a metastable state, remaining unfrozen despite being well below 0°C, a phenomenon known as supercooled water. With the right trigger, such as wind, these droplets rapidly freeze upon contact with surfaces, creating a frosty, textured layer. There’s hard rime, which clings to surfaces with a robust, solid structure, almost like armor. Then there’s soft rime, delicate and airy, like cotton candy made of ice. Both are metastable forms of water—frozen and seemingly stable, but highly sensitive to temperature variations and yet delicately poised to melt, appearing at equilibrium but ready to transform, and thus capable of exhibiting metastable behavior. The difference between hard and soft rime arises from subtle variations in atmospheric conditions—temperature, wind and humidity—all delicately balanced on the edge of change. Soft rimes form in foggy and humid conditions. In contrast, hard rime develops under colder and windier conditions.

Example of soft rime (left) and hard rime (right).
This is metastability. It’s a state where a system appears stable, but only precariously. It’s not in true equilibrium; instead, it’s delicately balanced on the edge, ready to shift or collapse if influenced by a small perturbation. This phenomenon isn’t limited to frosty mornings; it’s intrinsic into systems both natural and human made. Now that you understand rime, let’s look at how this balancing act plays out in more unexpected places, like the fictional worlds of Breaking Bad and Stranger Things.
Take Walter White, the protagonist of Breaking Bad. His transformation from a mild-mannered high school chemistry teacher into a ruthless drug kingpin is metastability in human form. In the early seasons, Walter is a man on the edge— driven by his terminal lung cancer diagnosis, the crushing weight of medical bills, and his struggle to provide for his family on a modest teacher’s salary. He is essentially a chemistry genius but was never properly credited for his work in the now ultra-rich company he helped start. In other words, he never received the recognition he deserved and was instead seen as a failed A+ student. For a long time, he seems to balance between his old self and his new identity, caught in a metastable state where he’s not quite either. He was always destined to be someone bigger, and as the series progresses, a few critical events— such as his partnership with Jesse (a former student turned small-time drug dealer), confrontations with rival dealers, and the growing success of his meth operation— escalate the pressure in his life, ultimately pushing him toward a more dangerous stability, which triggered his transformation into the dangerous man he became. This lies in his ability to maintain control over his criminal empire, appearing stable but always on the verge of collapse, with small fluctuations—such as betrayal or shifting allegiances—potentially triggering catastrophic consequences. The careful balance shatters, and the metamorphosis is complete.
Similarly, in Stranger Things, the story follows a group of kids in Hawkins, Indiana, who uncover dark secrets involving government experiments and psychic abilities, all while battling against sinister forces and confronting the dangers of an alternate dimension teeming with decay—known as the Upside Down. This eerie parallel world, connected to our reality through mysterious gateways, is metastable, existing in a fragile balance where it remains hidden but exerts an unsettling influence on the normal world. The transition between the two versions of reality occurs when disruptions—like experiments at a secret lab or a character's psychic abilities—cause reality itself to shift, moving from the familiar version to the distorted Upside Down version and back. As the boundary collapses, the Upside Down begins to seep into reality, pushing the system closer to a new state where the Upside Down dominates. However, with each incursion, the characters fight to restore balance, forcing the world back into its metastable state, where the Upside Down retreats but never fully disappears. This back-and-forth struggle persists, with the fragile metastable equilibrium teetering on collapse. Eventually, the world risks tipping irreversibly toward a final stable state where the Upside Down overtakes reality entirely. But is it possible to ever reach a stable state with no Upside Down? Throughout this precarious battle, the characters find themselves constantly dancing on the edge of equilibrium.
What is fascinating about metastability is how it applies to both the tangible and the intangible. Whether it's frost forming in the cold or characters walking a moral tightrope, metastability is a bridge between stability and potential change, between light and shadow. It’s this precariousness that keeps me fascinated—because, deep down, we all sense that the world is constantly balancing on the edge, where stability can feel fragile, yet the potential for change is ever-present.
The miracle lies in the tipping point, the moment when metastability gives way to stability. That’s what draws me to this concept. There’s something thrilling about watching systems, people, and even entire worlds teeter on the brink. You wonder: will they hold it together, or will they fall into disarray? This tension, this blurring of the line between stability and instability, is what gives stories like Breaking Bad and Stranger Things their edge—and it’s what makes a simple frost-covered morning feel so alive.
By the end of the journey, you realize that metastability is more than just a scientific term or a plot device. It’s a fundamental aspect of life itself, seen in everything from chemistry to social sciences. We’re all constantly balancing on the edge of something—whether in nature, society, or our personal lives. Political resentment brewing under the surface, until it suddenly erupts in a revolution, or the fragile peace in a society where long-standing injustices threaten to destabilize it. It’s the way small economic or social pressures can push a nation toward upheaval, or how years of simmering frustration can lead to a sudden, transformative shift. However, metastability also plays a crucial role in modern scientific fields. In neuroscience, the brain operates in a metastable state, constantly balancing between different patterns of neural activity. In climate science, small shifts in temperature or pressure can push the Earth’s climate from one stable state to another, such as the tipping point in the melting of polar ice caps. In economics, markets often teeter on the edge of stability, where small changes in investor sentiment or external shocks can lead to large-scale financial crises. And that, in itself, is a dark truth worth exploring.
Editors note: indeed, once you understand metastability, you’ll start seeing it everywhere! Another fascinating real-world example involving water is superheated water. Mythbusters even made a video about it!
Cover photo by Александр Лич.