Mathematicians can be fascinated by the elegance and beauty of the ideas behind mathematical theories. Mathematical structures are already out there and our goal is to discover them.
Have you ever wondered what kind of insights you can gain about games by looking at it using a mathematical lens? In this article we have a look at Snakes and Ladders, and in a follow up article we will dive into Monopoly!
In this article Maya continues her journey from Rotterdam to Brussels. She starts thinking about a puzzle from her childhood, the three utilities problem. At the end of the jouney she has reached a very important theorem from graph theory!
The probabilistic method was pioneered by the Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős, famous for his many contributions to combinatorics and graph theory, and it has since become an important tool in these areas of mathematics. Is this article you will learn how it works!
The scientific world would not be what it is today without normal distribution. It is the foundation of many statistical models for several good reasons. Most importantly, it appears commonly in nature. But this is only the tip of the iceberg.