In this theme
Math insight
Mathematicians can be fascinated by the elegance and beauty of the ideas behind mathematical theories. Mathematical structures are already out there and our goal is to discover them.
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AI thinks my dog is a Pig! Want to know why?••
March 10 2023, by BhartiApplications of machine learning models are everywhere, with many online platforms and major science fields using tools relying on machine learning. Take, for example, image recognition and computer vision. But did you know that the results of supposedly perfect and accurate machine learning models can be deceived by slight perturbations in the data?Read article - Article
Imaginary numbers are a reality••
February 10 2023, by Francisco Escudero GutierrezIt is undeniable that natural, integer, rational and real numbers are necessary to explain what happens in our daily life, but in high school some of us also hear about some weird objects called imaginary numbers, also known as complex numbers. What do we need these numbers for?Read article - Article
Playing with Colors Part 2: An open problem related to graph colouring••
December 23 2022, by Leonidas TheocharousMathematicians often enjoy playing around with the concept of infinity and in the following, I will describe a problem defined on an infinite graph!Read article - Article
Playing with Colors•
December 16 2022, by Leonidas TheocharousPart 1: Learn about applied and theoretical aspects of graph coloring: a tool that helps us design exam schedules or even solve Sudoku!Read article - Article
Start to jet lag behind. Moving to fairer competitions.•
October 28 2022, by Roel LambersIt is safe to say that traveling impacts the peak performance of teams and athletes in general - studies have been done across all kinds of sports that confirm this intuitive idea. Thus, to avoid unfair- and unhappiness, an organizer should aim to minimize the effect of travel time disparities.Read article