Many real-world phenomena and parts of the infrastructure of our society can be phrased in terms of networks. An electricity network for example describes how electricity can flow.
Being connected to the internet is second nature to us. But what happens if the network that connects us breaks down? To prevent such a catastrophe, we need to understand how the network behaves. Find out how we can model and simulate a 5G network!
We want our guts to be filled with a diverse range of mutually beneficial and competitive interactions, a perfect blend of friends, frenemies, and enemies to keep our guts active and body on its toes. Read how networks can help understand these interactions!
Rapid urbanization without consideration for the environment is currently threatening urban dwellers. Its effects are exacerbating climate change and the urgency to adapt to our circumstances is growing. Network science may just have the key to solving our multifaceted problems.
Lots of research has gone into the nexus of social networks in the labour market. Our question is: Do students benefit from the connectedness of their advisers in terms of first academic employment after graduate school?
It is quite difficult to extract information from your body. Your body is so vast that millions upon millions of messages get sent and deleted every second. It is impossible to know exactly who said something. The doctor’s main challenge is finding a way to reconstruct the network of interacting cells given the limited information she can measure.