Martijn Gösgens wins Van Zwet Award for outstanding thesis

We are proud to share that Martijn Gösgens won the Van Zwet Award for his excellent research on community detection in random graphs. We had the pleasure of interviewing Martijn!
Science Illustrations updated

We have a special category with science illustations on various topics related to networks and algorithms. Many of these illustrations were developed specifically for the Network Pages. The four posters made for mathematics exhibition IMAGINARY have been added.
Structure in social networks

To find the network communities, we need a mathematical equation that describes when a division of the network into communities meets these two criteria.
Jon Snow, Phoebe Buffay, and Michael Scott are in a network, what do they see?

Using popular TV shows, we can learn about the contrast between local and global properties in a social network.
Mathematical rulers in Game of Thrones

The moment millions of fans have waited for is there: the finale of Game of Thrones. 75 characters in different parts of the world, fighting to be the ruler of the iron throne. But who is the mathematical ruler of the iron throne?
What does your Facebook network look like?

Have you ever wondered if you can visualise your Facebook network? And what do these networks have to do with mathematics?
How does a video go viral on Twitter?

There are various parameters that determine whether a video will go viral or not. The content plays a role of course but who uploads the video is also important. What do networks have to do with a video going viral?
Networks in breakfast

My favorite muesli contains cranberries, raisins and oats. But what do other people like to eat in their muesli? A muesli network gives the answer!