The puzzle of creating a puzzle

How to create curved Nonogram puzzles and why it may be harder than you think!
The friendship paradox - and how it might produce a biased world

Have you ever found yourself less popular when compared to your friends? Interestingly, in any group of individuals, on average, people have fewer friends than their friends do, or at the very most, an equal number. Not more!
Ding-Dong! Finally, your delivery driver is at your door

Elisabeth already has an idea in mind: she would like to find the fastest possible route that goes to each address exactly once before finally returning to the station. This task is a well-known mathematical problem, namely the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)! How can she solve it?
The path from a puzzle to a great theorem

In this article Maya continues her journey from Rotterdam to Brussels. She starts thinking about a puzzle from her childhood, the three utilities problem. At the end of the jouney she has reached a very important theorem from graph theory!
No five countries can all boarder each other

Looking on the world map you can easily spot four countries that border each other. But can you find five?
How can we know something exists if we cannot find it?

The probabilistic method was pioneered by the Hungarian mathematician Paul Erdős, famous for his many contributions to combinatorics and graph theory, and it has since become an important tool in these areas of mathematics. Is this article you will learn how it works!
Some ideas on teaching graph theory in high schools

Have you ever wondered how you can make mathematics interesting to the daily life of students? In this article, we will discuss two important and exciting concepts teachers can use to introduce graph theory in their classes.
Science Illustrations updated

We have a special category with science illustations on various topics related to networks and algorithms. Many of these illustrations were developed specifically for the Network Pages. The four posters made for mathematics exhibition IMAGINARY have been added.
Random Graphs and Complex Networks: Volume 2 has appeared!

In February 2024, the second Volume of the Random Graphs and Complex Networks book series has appeared. This volume is aimed more towards the research community, including PhD students and researchers, with a mathematical background.
The Elegant Heist: Mastering the Art of Necklace Splitting

Ever wondered how stolen necklaces are tactfully divided? Join us on a captivating journey into the math under necklace splitting! This journey will lead us to a wonderful and very important theorem in mathematics, the Borsuk-Ulam theorem.