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A solution to a long standing conjecture

Recently a team of mathematicians has published an article announcing a solution to a long standing open problem in graph theory, the Erdős - Faber - Lovász (EFL) conjecture. This conjecture was formulated in 1972 by mathematicians Paul Erdős, Vance Faber and László Lovász.

Random encounters with Ramsey numbers

It is was the second time yesterday in a one week time and the fourth in a one month time that I came across Ramsey numbers. In the beginning I thought it was just a coincidence.

How to plan Valentine’s day using a matching algorithm

Finding a dating schedule that matches pairs of potential lovers up into dating couples, is an example of an algorithmic problem. There is a clearly defined input, given by the lists of who is considered an acceptable dating partner to whom. It is also clear what we want as the output: a pairing of classmates into acceptable boy-girl pairs that has as many pairs (dates) as possible. How can you find the best dating schedule?

Network analysis of tax treaties

Large international companies often do not send their profits directly from one country to another. Instead, they send it via other countries, so-called conduit countries, to reduce the tax they pay. Which countries are the most important conduit countries?