Modelling 5G Networks

Being connected to the internet is second nature to us. But what happens if the network that connects us breaks down? To prevent such a catastrophe, we need to understand how the network behaves. Find out how we can model and simulate a 5G network!
Distributed consensus: What do money transactions and attacking armies have in common?

In February 2014, a big bank in the Netherlands suffered from an internet banking malfunction which led many costumers to accidentally perform duplicate bank transfers.
Networks behind riots: help reduce riots just by following a "riot".

Since 2016 the world has been witnessing the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar, in 2021 we all saw the Capitol riots on tv. What do networks have to do with these events?
The Network Science of Echo Chambers and Why It Matters

An echo chamber is a community wherein the same opinions are bounced around, endlessly ‘echoing’ with barely any change. And as they do, any other opinion is shunned, pushed aside, and eventually just rejected without consideration.
Security on the Quantum Internet

With ever-growing possibilities and interconnectivity on the internet, we rely more and more on it being secure. However, our classical internet is not provably secure, could a quantum internet solve our problems?
How does wireless communication work?

We might not be fully aware of it, but we all use wireless communication everyday in many familiar situations, such as when we connect our laptop to the local Wi-Fi network, when we use navigation apps to orientate ourselves while driving, or when we send a message to a friend using our smartphones. It has become so natural for the world we live in, that we often take it for granted and have no idea of how it works.
No winner without a second place

When you browse the internet a lot of websites show you banners with advertisements. And if you reload the page some new flashy advertisement pops up in the same place. Did you know that while your web page is loading an auction takes place?
José van Dijck: "I draw inspiration from the relationship between technology, user and ideas"

José van Dijck is a University Professor of Media and Digital Society at Utrecht University. Her research concerns media, social media and media technologies.
Google PageRank: how search engines `bring order to the Web'

A crucial innovation of Google was a mathematically quite simple but powerful algorithm called PageRank.
The quest for a better Internet

The internet is growing quickly. How can it remain as fast as it is now? We’ll find the answer in the supermarket!