Can mathematics help you cook just enough?

Leftovers are usually no issue. But what if you’re cooking for hundreds of people? Using
mathematics, specifically the Central Limit Theorem, we try to cook just the right amount.
Abel Prize 2024 to Michel Talagrand

The Abel Committee has awarded Michel Talagrand the 2024 Abel Prize for his groundbreaking contributions to probability theory and functional analysis, with outstanding applications in mathematical physics and statistics.
The golden rule of staffing in contact centers

We can all agree, a no. 1 source of frustration is the endless waiting on hold for a call center agent to pick up the phone. Interestingly, over the last 111 years mathematicians have been working on a vast theory to solve this call center inefficiency.
How uncertainty can make traffic run smoother

In 2014, in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, the average person spend approximately 40 hours in a traffic jam - that is 5 work days! In this article, I will explain how mathematical models with uncertainty help traffic engineers to make decisions that improve traffic.