Prizes for outstanding mathematics (Part 2)

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure to attend two events where prizes for outstanding research in mathematics were awarded, one of them was the CWI Best Thesis in Applied Math 2024. It was a great pleasure to be there, to chat with (most of) the candidates, and to learn what they have done during their bachelor and master thesis'.
Dispatching experts to do maintenance

Using data analytic techniques and Artificial Intelligence you can analyse data from hospitals and discover hidden patterns that allow us to often predict (within a margin of accuracy) failures before they happen. When a failure is predicted, we issue an alert and we plan for preventive maintenance by an expert engineer.
Rescue mission!

An ad hoc wireless network is a decentralized type of wireless network. See how these networks enable a self-regulating rescue!
From Tweets to Communication Networks

Network visualizations have the power to display how we communicate with each other in social media. We can simply depict message exchanges using communication networks. In such a network, nodes represent users, and there exists an edge between two nodes when the corresponding users exchange information (an email or a tweet).
Reducing ambulance response times

Sandjai Bhulai and Rob van der Mei have been working together for more than twenty years to devise mathematical solutions to a wide array of societal challenges.
Predicting optimal routes in unpredictable networks

How does your navigation system find the fastest route in a road network, if it does not know where traffic jams occur and how long they last?
"A digital app can help reconstruct the virus transmission contact network"

Directly or indirectly networks played a crucial role during the Corona health crisis. During this online event the speakers shed light on the relevance of networks in combating the epidemic, each one from a different point of view, namely from that of the exact sciences, medicine, communication and social sciences respectively.
Contest: How fast can you travel around the Netherlands?

. Suppose you are coming to the Netherlands for the first time, you want to enjoy your time in the country in the best possible way and probably visit and see as much as possible. So you rend a car and you decide to travel around. But now the challenge begins, planning such a trip!
The quest for a better Internet

The internet is growing quickly. How can it remain as fast as it is now? We’ll find the answer in the supermarket!